
Rubygems (Alpha)

FOSSA supports projects that use Rubygems and Bundler. We are currently on Ruby v2.3.3

We look for and analyze the following files for license and dependency information

  • .gemspec
  • Gemfile
  • Gemfile.lock

FOSSA will find any package available on, and also works with private sources as well.

Private Packages

In order for FOSSA to reach private scoped rubygems, you must configure auth for your rubygems source.

To configure authentication, navigate to Account Settings > Languages > Ruby and supply the URL, username, and password for your private source


Declared licenses in .gemspec files will be picked up

Dependency Resolution

We use Bundler (version: ~>1.6.0) to resolve dependencies. If a Gemfile.lock is available, then we will use the version given there for a dependency. We will ignore all development dependencies (added in .gemspec file with add_development_dependency) and all dependencies in the :test and :development groups in your Gemfile.


  • We currently do not support gems from git or github sources.