NPM Enterprise

FOSSA integrates directly with NPM Enterprise to enable rich licensing data embedded in your NPM package pages as well as analysis on anything in your private NPM on-site registry.


  1. To install the FOSSA addon into NPM Enterprise, ssh into your NPME instance and run npme addon http://__FOSSA_HOST_AND_PORT__/api/services/npm.

  2. (Optional) If your NPME modules are behind any authentication/config, FOSSA will need a token to access them. To generate a token, run npme manage-tokens generate. This will generate a prompt, follow it like so:

    ? npm username fossabot
     ? email address
     generated token: deploy_55a20cd1-z225-619d-8e0f-691fa48113cb

    Take the generated token and save it for the next step.

  3. In FOSSA's config, add the FOSSA's config.env file, add the following lines replacing the relevant values:

     # NPME registry URL including protocol
     # Optional NPM auth token, if you completed step 2. above
  4. Restart FOSSA with fossa restart.

    Once fossa is up and running again, you should see a FOSSA plugin on every npme package page.

    NPMe FOSSA Preview